Dye Penetration Material Magnaflux
Brand Name : Magnaflux
HSN Code :
Dispacth time (Days) : Ex Stock or 2 – 3 days after your confirmed order and Payment

Tax (%) : 18
AMS-2644, AECL, ASME B & PV Code Sec V, ASTM E1417, MIL-STD 2132, ASTM E165, MIL-STD-271, ISO 3452-2 (Sensitivity Level 2)
Part Number and Container Size:
01-5155-35: 1 gallon (case of 4)
01-5155-40: 5 gallon pail
01-5155-45: 55 gallon drum
01-5155-78: Case of Aerosols
Applications: Welds, Forgings, Pressure Vessels, Castings, General Metal Work, Leak Testing, Power Plant, Construction.
Classification: Type 2, Method B, C or D
Temperature: SKL-SP2 should be used at temperatures between 40° F to 125° F.